Hi! I'm Cindy Young. My husband and I live in Arizona with our two kids and two dogs. I love playing and teaching piano, eating ice cream, and playing games with my family. I absolutely adore spending time in the mountains, but when that doesn't happen, I like to be in my garden. I especially love the scriptures and my Savior, Jesus Christ.

One day I was studying my scriptures, and the Spirit whispered to me, “Share this!” After more pondering and praying, I realized that the Lord wanted me to start a YouTube channel and podcast! This wouldn't be to share WHAT I had found during my study of the scriptures, but rather to show you HOW I found it. And while anyone can join in, it would be especially for children and youth. As I have worked on this project, it has become so dear to my heart. It is the last days, and it is more important than ever to know how to connect with the Lord through the scriptures. Our children and youth are surrounded by conflicting voices. They need to know and understand where and how to find truth, answers, comfort, hope, and healing. I find these things in the scriptures as I connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and you can, too! I don't do anything complicated or revolutionary; it's actually quite simple - so easy a child can do it! Primary means FIRST or MOST IMPORTANT. And even though there are endless resources for studying the gospel, don't forget that your study should always be

All views are the opinion of the author. I am a member of, but not endorsed by, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.